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L'uomo dal fiore in bocca
Uno, nessuno e centomila
Antony and Cleopatra
As you like it
Henry IV
Henry V
The merchant of Venice
A Midsummer Night's Dream
King Lear
The Taming of the Shrew
Twelfth night
The Tempest
Romeo and Juliet
The Merry Wives of Windsor
Measure for Measure
Much ado about nothing
King Richard the Second
The history of Troilus and Cressida
The Life of Timon of Athens
The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus
All's well that ends well
Catena aurea in quattuor evangelia
De ente et essentia
Summa theologiae
The walking dead
Raccolta Pimpa
Introduzione generale alla psicoanalisi
Dream psychology
Dream psychology. Psychoanalysis for beginners
Totem e tabù-Psicologia delle masse e analisi dell'io